Leftovers again (please).
If the stories I’m hearing and statistics I’m reading are right, we’re all cooking a lot more while we’re home. While I am not getting tired of the extra time in the kitchen, I am getting a bit bored with leftovers. So, I thought, rather than bring yesterday’s dinner out the fridge and plate it verbatim why not reinvent the leftovers into something brand new?
Wine and herb poached chicken…
becomes tarragon chicken salad
Cooking with leftovers gives you a major advantage. All the work you’ve done before adds up for even more flavor. That pesto that took you 20-30 minutes? The chicken you marinated and grilled - another couple of hours. The leftover vinaigrette in the fridge may be only 5-10 minutes of work but add that all together and you’ve got an hour and 45 minutes of flavor ready to toss together with fresh greens and some toasted olive oil croutons for a hearty dinner salad. See how that works?
Herbed tomato salad becomes…
baked chicken Cacciatore
So, here are two dishes and a simple, quick and delicious way to transform each of them into something entirely new without much work. You just might start asking for leftovers.