This is not celery pie.


My husband Jason. dislikes rhubarb, or so he says. I’m pretty sure he is just processing past pie trauma. Over thirty years ago Jason went into a diner with some friends and, at the end of his meal, wanted a slice of pie.

“What do you have?” he asked.

“Apple, lemon meringue and strawberry,” they said.

Jason was delighted. He loves strawberries so he ordered a slice. The pie arrived at the table with an airy swirl of whipped cream fresh from the can and he took his first bite. CRUNCH!! “Crunch?” he thought. “What is crunching in a strawberry pie?”

“Oh,” said their waitress, “its the rhubarb.”

“WHAT?!” I exclaimed 25 years later listening to this story. Rhubarb in a pie isn’t supposed to crunch! No wonder you don’t like it.”

I wanted to test my theory that the problem was not with the wonderfully tart taste of rhubarb but in an undercooked pie. However, I did not feel like making a pie, so I made this: sliced strawberries tossed in a silky, shiny rhubarb sauce with all of the tough fibers pressed out through a fine strainer.

The result? He says he still doesn’t like rhubarb. And…he finished the entire bowl.

Strawberries with rhubarb sauce

Serves 4

This is strawberries and rhubarb without the work of making a pie. This silky, shiny, cardamom and black pepper-spiced sauce is ready in 10 minutes for a simple, delicious and fresh taste of spring.



  • 1 1/2 cups chopped rhubarb

  • 1/2 tsp cardamom

  • 1 tbs whole black peppercorns

  • 1/4 cup sugar

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 1 pint strawberries, hulled and halved

  • 2 tbs chopped mint


  • Combine rhubarb, cardamom, black peppercorns, sugar and water to a small saucepan over med heat. Cook about 10 min until rhubarb turns to mush and sauce has thickened. Strain sauce through a fine mesh sieve - a strainer - pressing on solids to get as much through as possible. Stir sauce and serve over strawberries with mint.




I won’t lie to you…